Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mind Games & Indonesian Cabbage Salad

We all have mind games we play on ourselves to keep ourselves going. Since my injury last summer I have been concentrating on my running form. Mainly trying to make sure to maintain a mid-foot strike instead of heel strike. This involves raising my knees up higher in my stride.

To do this I imagine I'm a steam locomotive.  They are very powerful machines. My legs are the wheels and my arms are the side rods (or coupling rods) that connect and drive the wheels.  I loosely tuck my elbows to the side of my torso forcing my arms to move in the direction I'm running and move my arms in a quasi-circular motion driving my body forward.   This little mind game seems to keep my momentum going.  I can tell when I'm getting tired on a run because my arms will swing in front of my body instead of on the side in a  pumping action.

The trickier part is keeping my legs moving in a "revolving" motion like a wheel.  Breaking almost 20 years of bad form is difficult to do.  Its especially more difficult to do when I'm tired. Wheels are pretty efficient machines and in order to run efficiently I try to imagine my legs as wheels of the locomotive. Pumping my arms and imagining them as coupling rods really helps. This will, in theory, allow me to maintain a proper stride rate by using the least amount of energy to achieve my goal.  I've noticed if I can get myself to move my legs correctly, running is a lot easier. I especially notice this when I'm tired.


Indonesian Cabbage Salad
Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek is an accomplished ultra marathon runner and Vegan.  He wrote a book about his life and career call "Eat & Run". This is the first recipe of his that tried and it was super easy, keeps well and delicious.  I don't have his permission to reproduce his recipe online, but  check out his book and get the recipe yourself. I've tried many others of his which I will comment on as well. Keep following us for more vegan goodness!

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